Saturday, April 11, 2009

PSP Tutorial #6 Pornstar

Wanna Be A Pornstar

Supplies Needed:
PSP tube of your choice--I am using licensed artwork by Viktor Jung. You may purchase his artwork at

Pink Filmstrim(included)
DVD Tubes
Download supplies HERE.

Let's Begin!

New canvas 600x600.
Floodfill with any color that matches your main tube.

Copy n paste your main tube on your working canvas. Add a drop shadow of H 1 V -1 Opacity 100 Blur 2.89 color black.

Copy n paste your film strip on your working canvas, colorize to match your

main tube. Using your magic wand, click inside one of the black boxes of the filmstrip, go to Selections..Modify..Expand by 2. Copy your main tube again and paste as new layer. Postion the tube inside the black box anyway you like.

While still on the tube layer, go to Selections..Invert. Click on your main tube and hit delete so that the only part of her left is the part in the black box. Bring the tube layer down underneath the film strip. Continue the above until you have filled all the boxes. Highlight your filmstrip layer add a drop shadow of H 1 V -1 Opacity 40 Blur 2.89 color black.

Unhide all your layers.

Copy one of the DVD supplied tubes and paste as new layer on your working canvas. I resize mine by 60%, but you can use what works best for your tube.

While on the DVD layer, go to Selections, Select All..Float so that marching ants are around your DVD. Go back to Selections...Defloat. Copy your main tube again and paste as new layer..position and resize her as you would like her to fit on the DVD. Go to selections...invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard, then back to Selections..Select None.

Lower the opacity of that tube layer to around 52. Highlight your DVD tube (not the girl on the dvd) and add a drop shadow of H 1 V -1 Opacity 40 Blur 2.89 color black.

Type in your text on you DVD, and some text around the film strip if you like.

To my text under my filmstrip I added a Drop Shadow of H 1 V -1 Opacity 45 Blur 2.89 color black.

Add your name, I added a drop shadow of H&V 1, Opacity 12, Blur 2.89.

Add your copyright information and your watermark. I added a small border of 2 pixels to the whole tag.

Save and enjoy!!

This tutorial is ©BamaVamp and was written on April 22, 2007.
Any likeness to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
DO NOT copy nor translate my tutorials.
Please contact me for use information.

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