Flirty Effex Tutorial
Supplies needed:
Tube of your choice. I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey which must be purchased at
EyeCandy 4000 (or any version of EC)
Photoeffex Scanlines which can be downloaded HERE.
I have included the word art HERE.
Let's Get Started!
Open a new image 568x418 floodfill with white.
Grab your shape tool and draw out a rectangle, foreground null-background a color from your tube, I used #000000. Make sure the rectangle is big enough for our word art.
Convert to raster layer.
Go to Effects..Photoeffex..Scanlines with the following settings:
Copy n paste your tube as a new layer, give a drop shadow if you wish. Now copy n paste the QB_WordArt_Flirt as a new layer.
While on this layer go to Effects...Plugins..EyeCandy 4000...Gradient Glow.
Use the settings below.
Drag the word art layer below your main tube.
If you want more hearts you can go back to the wordart tube and copy the extraheart layer, paste it on your canvas and follow the same Eyecandy steps as above.
Add your copyright and watermark information.
Time to add your name. Pick a font of your choice, with colors on white background and null foreground.
Convert to raster layer and go to Plugins....Eyecandy 4000..Gradient Glow and use the same settings as above, but this time with the color black.
Save and use it!
This tutorial was written by BamaVamp on 12/9/07.
Do not copy nor translate this tutorial.
Contact me for usage information.
Any likeness to any other tutorial is purely coincidence.
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